Questions from
Vaageesh (Age 9)
Why does the
African wild
mesmerize you?
I think it does to
everybody who comes
to Africa, because
Africa is the birth
place of man, and
you always feel
comfortable at home.
What is the most
exciting experience
that you have ever
The Cheetah that
licked my head in
Who do you think
is more dangerous?
Mike or a Hippo?
Mike of course, as
he is unpredictable,
a hippo is always
What is the sight
you have always
craved to see?
New creatures, any
bird or mammals that
I have never seen
What do you think
is the best way to
save and conserve
our wildlife?
Save the land and
animals will safe
themselves, as they
have been doing for
millions of years.
What do you think
is your greatest
To live every day to
the fullest and try
be happy doing it. I
judge my life by
happy moments, and
days. Seeing animals
makes me very happy.
Who has been your
driving force? Why?
Myself, because if
you are not your own
driving force you
will not achieve
your great goals. I
believe that I can
do whatever I set my
goals at. You must
always believe in
What do you feel
about your life with
Mike? Has it changed
you in any way?
I have learned a lot
from Mike, He knows
and understands
Lions very well. I
try learn as much as
I can about
wildlife. No he has
not changed me, I
might see some
things in a
different light than
him, but we have the
same goals in life,
and thats to protect
What animal do
you think has always
brought you good
Wild Dog are my
lucky animals, but
when I see their
tracks, I am on a
mission to find them
, sometimes for
days. So you almost
make luck in life.
If you weren’t a
photographer, who
would you be and
I would still be a
wildlife guide and
follow animals and
share my stories,
without a camera.

Questions From
Navaneet (Age 9)
In Kenya when the
cheetahs jumped on
4*4, how was the
experience? I saw
those cheetahs
licking and smelling
your legs. Did you
feel happy, nervous
or uncomfortable?
The experience was
amazing, because a
wild cheetah in the
Masai Mara trusted
me , that she would
touch me. The
Cheetah smelling my
leg, that was a
young cheetah, I was
not worried about
her, I just could
not see her and I
was not supposed to
Which is your
favorite National
Park in Africa? Why
do you like it the
I like many, because
they are so
different from each
other, it is hard to
compare . The
Wildebeest migration
through the Mara is
breathtaking . The
hard walk up the
mountains to see
Gorilla’s in Uganda
or Rwanda is life
changing . The
Sardine run, (small
fish that migrate up
the east coast of
South Africa , it is
the biggest movement
of creatures on the
planet) is chased by
whales, sharks,
dolphins , seals and
sea birds diving at
the same time is
beyond belief. Then
there are wild dog
hunts in Botswana
and Namibia
panoramas. Remember
Africa is big, we
have over 3000
protected wildlife
areas, 198 protected
marine areas 50
biosphere reserves
and 80 wetlands.
Have you taken a
look at Indian
Wildlife. If
interested, which
Big Five will you
I have never been to
India, but one day I
hope to go. I would
like to see a tiger,
but it would be the
general species that
would interest me on
my first visit.
Which types of
animals do you like?
Mammals or Birds and
I like both, I also
like insects . I
have spent a lot of
time learning about
the fish and sea. I
like Earth.
Have animals
attacked you? If so,
how did you escape
from them?
Yes, I have been
attacked. My worst
was an elephant that
rolled my vehicle
about, while I was
in it, at night. I
had no choice but to
sit it out.
In mid eighties,
what was your
Volunteering or
Learning as much as
I can.
Are you not
scared of crocodiles
when you stand in
cold water to view
elephants in
Yes I am scared of
crocodiles, it is
very dangerous going
near the water in
many African rivers.
Crocodile kill a lot
of people, they can
launch themselves
and grab you when
you are one meter
from the water. When
we are in a river we
have somebody on
croc duty, looking
for them as a early
warning sign but
they can swim under
water and so our
strategy is not a
great one.
How long did you
wait for the right
moment to capture a
picture of your
favorite animal?
I do not really
wait, I work a lot
in the bush with
wild animals, so I
wait for the light
to be good and then
drive around and
find animals to take
pictures of. I never
sit in a hide
waiting, if I see
wildlife far away, I
will get into a
photo position and
wait about 15

How does it feel
to work in such a
big show? You must
be proud of
yourself. Does your
mommy scold you for
getting too close to
wild? My mother
scolds me if I get
too close to my cat.
Thats sad right?
- Siddharth, Age 4
Yes, that's sad,
but sometimes you
get bad cats that
like to scratch
people. My mother
also thinks that I
get too close to
wild animals
sometimes. But I
just let my mother
be my mother.
I want to be like
you. I want to talk
about animals and
birds. But I don't
want to work with a
person like Mike. So
my first question –
what should I do to
be like you and
second, how can I
avoid someone like
Mike? - Vibhav
Age 8
To talk about
animals takes a long
time to learn, so
first you will have
to study
conservation for 3
or 4 years, then
practical experience
for 10 years
learning as much as
you can, then you
will be ready, and
you can work with
who you want to. I
only work with Mike
on the filming
project, I do
different projects
with different
Have you ever
been chased by a
elephant or a rhino?
Am sure not
everything is shown
on Mad mike and
mark. - Nithya
Age 13
Yes I have been
chased by both,
several times. When
I am with guests on
a safari though, not
filming, I was
Which one do you
like better? African
elephant or Asian
elephant? -
Akshara, Age 7
I have only worked
with African
Elephants, so I can
not answer this.
Are zoos
important? I get sad
when I see them in a
cage. - Aryaan,
Age 5
Yes, zoo’s can be
sad, but zoo’s can
play an important
part in saving
wildlife in the
future, as gene
pools get smaller.
Zoo’s should be
educational centres
for school children.
Our Zoo in Pretoria
is nice because
sometimes you have
to go the Lions
enclosure 3 times
before you see them
because it is so
If I go closer to
animals like you and
Mike, will I get
killed? - Muthu,
Age 10
African animals,
yes. But there is a
way to stay alive,
finish school and
get good marks. stay
healthy and keep
your body fit. Study
conservation for
four years, work in
the bush for 15
years learning first
hand animal
behavior. Find
somebody that can
watch your back (I
have Mike) and you
are ready, now you
need luck.
Why don't you do
a show all alone? We
want to see more
birds. - Mirinda,
Age 9
Thanks Mirinda, you
are right, I was
looking for a bird
show to watch and I
could not find stuff
for younger viewers.
Maybe it would be a
great idea for the
We know you love
birds. Whats your
favourite and why?
What bird in India
do you like the most
and why? I like the
Peacock a lot
because of its
feathers. -
Preethi, Age 7
I like vultures,
because to survive
they have to outwit
the Lion and steal
their food. They
have to also work
together to do it. I
would like to see a
peacock in the wild,
people keep them as
pets in their
gardens in
Johannesburg, so I
often hear peacocks
I love bird
watching. Can you
give us tips on bird
watching. Roughly
how many species of
birds have you seen
so far? - Anand,
Age 15
I have never counted
how many birds I
have seen. Buy a
good binoculars that
will last, you will
see more detail. The
more birdwatching
you do the easier it
gets and the more
interesting it

Questions From
Children Studying At
Omega International
Rhinos cannot see
properly or they
have some visual
problems but they
rely more on hearing
and smell. How would
this sense of smell
help this animal?
- Mayank Malhan,
Standard IX
Rhino have great
hearing and smell
and so do not need
good eyes to thrive.
Why is
rhinoceros’ skin so
thick through they
live in lush grass
lands and rain
forest regions? -
R.Sneha, Standard IX
It has no hair for
protection so has
evolved a think
If we prevent
shrinkage of forest
cover, can the act
of conservation be
reduced? -
Snehlatha, Standard
Hopefully, but
forests are
shrinking world
How can we
protect one – horned
rhinoceros which is
getting endangered?
- T.M.Vabhoosha,
Standard IX
Protect the land,
animals can look
after themselves
White tiger
killing a youth in
Delhi zoo went
viral, 2 months
back. How could this
tragedy be avoided?
What kind of
awareness should be
given to public when
such situations
arise? - B.
Reshma, Standard IX
You can not kill zoo
animals if they kill
humans, zoo animals
hate humans and they
have a right to.
How can we
protect the places
that are endemic to
animals and what
have the biologists
done to prevent
these problems even
though they have
knowledge about it?
- Samyuktha,
Standard IX
Endemic species
sometimes get
muscled out of an
area from an
introduced species
from another
countries. Human
knowledge on the
environment is very
I have heard that
elephants perform
“death rituals”
mourn and cry as
humans do. Is it
true? -
Rao, Standard IX
A ritual, is a
series of actions
performed according
to a prescribed
order. Elephants do
not do this. There
is a degree of
mourning, and they
will all help in the
rescue of dying
I find that there
are lot of NGOs
working towards wild
life conservation in
a particular region,
but still we face
threats. Why? -
Tanvi Venkatesh,
Standard IX
Not enough people
care, so not enough
money goes towards
the species.
What are the
animals which have
the most threat of
extinction? -
Nasrin Nesha,
Standard IX
I am afraid that
many species are in
trouble because of
changing climates,
and the species can
not adapt fast
Which animal
possesses the
greatest threat to
human beings if its
habitat is
disturbed? -
Nasrin Nesha,
Standard IX
The bee that
pollinates most of
the flowers on
earth. When the Bees
die, we will have no
trees and plants and
flowers. Sand storms
will rule the earth.
Can endangered
animals be saved by
saving their genes
and multiplying
them? Is this
practiced in India?
- B.Midhun Varman,
Standard IX
Yes, you can save
genes and use them
in the future , and
India has the
expertise and
facilities to do it
The hair from the
tail of Mongoose is
removed by the
tribal community to
make paint brushes
by killing them.
What kind of
awareness programmes
is being set for
them to understand
that these are
vulnerable animals?
- B.Shivani,
Standard IX
Thats terrible to
hear that news,
especially when we
can make cheap paint
brushes without any
Are new species
of animals evolving
on earth? It is
believed that nature
eliminates few
living forms to give
way for newer forms.
In such cases are
measures necessary?
- P.B.Haritha,
Standard IX
Yes, all the time,
animals under
pressure and have to
change or die. We
have to have
measures because we
humans are changing
the weather patterns
faster that wildlife
can evolve.
People tame some
endangered wild
animals. Is it fair
to tame them? Will
this human action
affect the animal’s
behaviour when sent
wild? - Dinesh
Adithya, Standard IX
It is unfair to put
any animal in a
cage, it is better
to feed the birds in
your garden or put
out fruit for the
squirrel. Then they
can visit you when
it suits them. Now
we can see your
skill of getting
them to visit you